Many times I meet new prospective clients during an intake and they are often not sure if they want to pursue a law suit. They don't understand the legal process or are unfamilar with starting a lawsuit because they have never commenced a litigation matter. They also have the impression that a lawsuit will consume their lives and they don't have the time to pursue it, or don't want to be bothered, but they want to speak to an attorney about thier rights.
First, the fact that they are sitting in my office for a consultation is the right move! Always when involved in a motor vehicle accident in which you are injured, you really should consult with an attorney to know what your rights are, and to become educated on your rights. There is no commitment to sign up with an attorney, unless you choose to enter into an attorney-client relationship. That decision should be given careful thought, especially with a major decision that could change your life.
Second, after speaking with an attorney if you're still not sure about pursing your rights, do some quick online research to see if a lawsuit will suit you. I suggest looking at the New Jersey Court's website at But definitely do not wait too long as the clock is ticking on your claim due to the New Jerey Statute of Limitations on your motor vehicle accident which is two years from the date of your accident.
Good luck in your search!